29 March 2008

Hallam Foe (2007)

Utterly bizarre Scottish indie film dealing with voyeurism and some darker Oedipus themes. Highly original, although there is simply too much here in terms of unrealistic behaviour from many of the main characters. This one will polarise viewer opinion. Fair play to Jamie Bell for picking a role so far removed from Billy Elliot though.

2.5 stars

25 March 2008

Lack of Activity (2008)

Apologies for not contributing for a while. I have been heavily engrossed in both L O S T and The Wire (Season 1).

30 Days of Night (2007)

Thoroughly enjoyable, much more so than expected .. a bloody good Vampire romp ;-)

Janck 4 stars

Decent enough horror flick that delivers on gore and grisly axe wielding mayhem. The film's premise has been well publicised, and several savage action sequences will not disappoint the blood-lust of the most hardened of horror fans. But for all it's glorious brutality, 30 Days ends with more of whimper than a Vampire bite.

Mitch 3.5 stars

Bridge, The (2006)

A sobering documentary about a side of the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge that thankfully most of us never have to face. A series of interviews with people all reflecting on the lives of loved ones who jumped from the bridge.

4 stars

23 March 2008

Big Fish (2003)

Weird ... check. Helena Bonham Carter ... check. Wonderful ... check. Helena Bonham Carter again ... check. Danny Elfman music ... check. It can only mean one thing, a Tim Burton film, although sadly not one of his best.

3 stars

School of Rock (2003)

WARNING: This movie contains extreme amounts of Jack Black
being Jack Black.

3 stars

19 March 2008

The Other Boelyn Girl (2008)

"Tonight" whispers Henry VIII in a chat up line guys everywhere will wish they could emulate with as much success. Any sense of fun quickly disperses however, in an unpleasant on screen soup of child birth scenes and family hatred. A touching film in places, but it doesn't quite decide what it wants to be.

2 stars

The Mist (2007)

Frank Darabont seems to have a gift for turning Stephen King texts into entertaining screen time and The Mist proves no exception. This cinematic version of the novella that inspired the Half-Life games evokes some strong primeval fears. The fabric of society is on the brink as creatures from another dimension dish out the gore in the setting of a small town American super-market. The major flaw for this reviewer is the shock ending which is too nihilistic in this context. But overall, entertaining stuff.

3 Stars

16 March 2008

Into the Wild (2007)

Difficult to decide what to make of this movie about a college graduate's decision to abandon convention and live life on the road as a "supertramp". Whilst having some beautifully shot scenes, and genuinely moving moments, Chris comes across as rather more selfish than he does idealistic.

Janck 3.5 stars

Great cinematography, original score, and plenty of 'road trip' characters wonderfully brought to life. Interwoven with a narration (not just from one character), this movie is recommended. Overlooked at this year's Oscars; although these shouldn't be handed out on Penn's reputation alone.

Mitch 4 stars

Sicko (2007)

Heavily slanted but thoroughly enjoyable documentary from everybody's favourite poking-the-hornets-nest-with-a-stick filmmaker, Michael Moore.
Laughing out loud one minute, and lump in the throat viewing the next; who says you need fiction?

4.5 stars

10 March 2008

Munich (2005)

This one slipped through the net a few years back, but it's a worthy addition to Spielberg's more "serious" pictures. The film's message is topical; and seems as important now as it did in 1972.
Solid performance from Eric Bana.

4 stars

SherryBaby (2006)

Nominated for a Golden Globe, Maggie Gyllenhaal is sublime in this "trying to get my life back" tale of a young woman just out prison. The main struggle is, of course, with herself and her craving for normality and stability walks a rocky road. It reminded me of a female Half Nelson. Worth a look in if you're in the mood for a character driven drama. (Surely an Oscar nomination for Gyllenhaal can't be far away.....).

3.5 stars

9 March 2008

Romanzo Criminale (2005)

This epic tale of the rise and fall of the Banda della Magliana's Roman empire of drugs, money, girls and political movings is a gangster story straight from the Scorsese school of movie making. It's a shame that the film didn't go into more detail about some of the 'strategy of tension' conspiracies touched upon, but at 147 minutes long I think they are best saved for another movie.

4 stars

8 March 2008

Painted Veil, The (2006)

Contract cholera or watch this movie again .. tough call.

2 stars

4 March 2008

Hellboy (2004)

A movie I first watched upon it's release a few years ago, getting a very "meh" review from me back then. However, upon watching a second time I found much to enjoy in this comic book adaptation ... a touch of humour, plenty of energy and a blade welding Nazi. Great fun and one hell of a movie.

Janck 3.5 stars

It's a darker Men in Black, with less CGI and and a smaller budget. It does work though; bring on the sequel.

Mitch 3.5 stars

3 March 2008

Harsh Times (2005)

Christian Bale delivers a first-rate performance as an honourably discharged ex-army ranger. Friendships and trust are tested to the limit in this frantic drama set in the backdrop of South Central LA.
The narrative is a path well-trodden; Bale depicts the 'struggle within' very convincingly. I wish they could've delved into more of his back story. (Although, perhaps I've been watching too much LOST? lol).

3.5 stars