30 July 2008

Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

Good example of when an unconventional story can work on screen. (Plenty of examples of when it doesn't). Nice to see Will Ferrell in a 'straight' comedic role as oppose to his usual spasmodic, reflexive, catchphrase based diatribes. Emma Thompson is the real star in this one though, capturing the struggling writer with 'writer's block' perfectly. Unexpected hit.

4 stars

Redacted (2007)

Brian De Palma's most hated film in America certainly isn't flawless (a sub 90 minute run time help you to forgive it's rambling narratives..), but it's raw energy and shocking depiction of Iraq make it worth watching.

4 stars

28 July 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Much hyped sequel delivers in droves. It's fair to say Heath Ledger absolutely nails The Joker, but Oscar talk is premature given awards are dished out in February. There are solid performances throughout and Nolan deftly combines big budget with substance; thoroughly entertaining on the big screen. A worthy sequel indeed, but Batman Begins just shades it for me.

4.5 stars

27 July 2008

Halloween (2007)

If it ain't broken, et cetera et cetera..

2.5 stars

Batman Begins (2005)

Having not watched this for 3 years since it's cinematic release, I decided to revisit where it all began (in a re-make sense obviously) as a primer to The Dark Knight. As the end credits rolled, I didn't just want Christopher Nolan to remake every comicbook adaptation ever; I wanted him to remake every film ever. I never remembered it being this good. Not just as an action film; but as a "film" film. Quite simply seven shades of awesome; sometimes all you can do is shake your head in disbelief and exhale loudly at what one hell of a movie this truly is.

5 stars

Diary of the Dead (2007)

I didn't buy into the whole Dead 2.0 thing, but enough splatter to keep me entertained.

3 stars

26 July 2008

Over Her Dead Body (2008)

I let the missus watch this over my napping body.

1.5 stars

19 July 2008

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)

Great cast, top director. On paper I should have loved it, but this seemed too forced and disjointed and was sadly not the sum of it's parts. Lashings of blood, top cameo from Sacha Baron Cohen, but at the end of the day....it's just a musical.

3 stars

13 July 2008

There Will Be Blood (2007)

Did I enjoy this film? Almost twenty-four hours on and I still don't really know.. Certain scenes were particularly gripping, the soundtrack different and the (over?) acting intense as could be expected from DDL. But, I still couldn't say if I actually enjoyed it.. Over to you Mitch..

Yep, I'm still trying to wrestle with this one myself. It's not something I'd rush out to buy on DVD, but I was pleased to see a movie that didn't seem bound by conventions and was, in a way, somehow "different". DDL brings life to Plainview, maybe to be overshadowed by Paul Dano in some scenes. A slow-burning acquired taste.

Mitch 3.5 stars

25th Hour (2002)

This Spike Lee 'joint' is as much a tale about about New York City, as it is Ed Norton's character - the convicted drug dealer re-examining his life before starting a seven year jail sentence. Not in the 99th percentile of movies, but certainly better than the 62nd.

4 stars

11 July 2008

White Noise (2005)

..well Micheal Keaton's blonde rinse was pretty scary..

2.5 stars

6 July 2008

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

For a film with virtually no plot this does drag on a bit.. it was funny to see Peter Parker go all emo in the middle though. If they must make a fourth (and with almost $2.5bn grossed so far I'm sure they will) lets hope they use the coolest super villain ever created.. the Shocker.

2.5 stars