28 August 2010

Un prophète (2009) aka "A Prophet"

I often like to complain when a film is anything over 90 minutes long (if it's good enough for football then it's good enough for movies) but even at over two and a half hours long I didn't want A Prophet to end.. profonde douceur.

Janck 4.5 stars (Mar '10)

Gritty French prison drama which i wanted to love, but ending up liking a lot. Some superb performances are marred by a script this is meandering and, at times, unfocussed. Though do not let that detract from a solid drama that kills the rest of it's Hollywood peers.

Mitch 4 stars

21 August 2010

Up in the Air (2009)

Sharp and witty, what's not to like?

Janck 4 stars (Jan '10)

Top flight drama with a 'just doing my job' George Clooney and a star-stealing performance from Anna Kendrik who was Oscar nominated in this role. Clever, fresh, recommended.

Mitch 4 stars

15 August 2010

Shutter Island (2010)

I've been waiting for Mitch to write an intelligent and worthy review for Shutter Island but no dice, so it falls to me to write a glib one instead.. You'd be crazy not to like it.

Janck 4 stars

A cinematic delight; the cloak and dagger backdrop of the fifties seems a perfect era for Scorsese to craft an intriguing thriller right from the off. Compelling, cryptic filmmaking that you'd be mad to miss out on.

Mitch 4.5 stars

The Losers (2010)

An elite governement unit seek revenge (like the A-Team) after being framed for a crime by shadowy military powers (like the A-Team), ending with an explosive set-piece in the Los Angeles Docks (like the A-Team) but, with Stringer Bell (unlike the A-Team). The Losers wins.

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

A ripping yarn, with a decent bromance to boot, which sets up the franchise nicely.

Janck 4 stars (Dec '09)

Better than expected Guy Ritchie vehicle (or horse and cart) in which Holmes and Watson have many a 19th Century adventure. Bravo.

Mitch 4 stars

Pontypool (2008)

Words speak louder than actions in this Canadian zombie flick.

14 August 2010

Out of Sight (1998)

Still oozing cool twelve years after release, I may even go so far as to call it a Nineties classic?

Trick 'r Treat (2008)

Bit of an 80s throwback, although more fantastical than horrible.

12 August 2010

Taken (2008)

MITCH : Liam Neeson is well cast in this tale of kidnap/revenge. Like many a modern day action thriller however, this is heavily Bourne influenced; but certainly much better than the average vigilante movie. 3.5 stars

JANCK : I wasn't.

8 August 2010

Public Enemies (2009)

Think Heat not quite at boiling point.

Janck 4 stars (Jul '09)

Cops and robbers 1930's American style.

Mitch 3.5 stars