30 November 2008

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)

Picking off teenagers one by one with teenage 'issues' is uninventive to the point of cliché. The movie tries to claw it back towards the end, at which point it becomes as forgettable as it is farcical. I expected a lot more from this 18 certificate teen movie.

2.5 stars

Following (1998)

Christopher Nolan's debut feature showcases the talent that would one day make him a highly sought after director. Decent enough foot-in-the-door effort; the low budget and weak acting do make this feel a bit dated though.

Mitch : 3 stars

Average score from Mitch means only one thing.. I wholeheartedly concur.

Janck : 3 stars

Dead Man's Shoes (2004)

Utterly compelling tale of bloody revenge. Shane Meadows delivers a powerful movie, with an impossibly good unhinged performance from Paddy Considine. Superb Brit flick.

4.5 stars

26 November 2008

In Bruges (2008)

Mitch : Enjoyable black comedy revolving around two hitmen being ordered to lay low In Bruges.
3.5 stars

Janck : Thoroughly enjoyed this dark "Brit Flick", one of the best films from 2008 in my opinion..
4.5 stars

25 November 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

I'm already forgetting Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Janck 2 stars

It wasn't that bad; I must admit I did chuckle a fair bit. Some nice one liners in this comedic set-up of PRP (post-relationship politics).

Mitch 3 stars

24 November 2008

King of New York (1990)

Slightly disappointed in this cult gangster flick that up until now had passed me by. However, a nice cameo from a young Michael made it more than worthwhile.

3.5 stars

Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007) a.k.a. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

True story adaptations are usually let downs, but this speaks volumes about everything good about foreign cinema. Emotive and very well made; highly recommended.

4.5 stars

23 November 2008

Syriana (2005)

Nicely constructed, inter-connecting polical tale about the industry for black gold. A solid picture; won Oscar.

4 stars

13 Tzameti (2005)

French roulette.

4 stars

22 November 2008

Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)

Some of the most powerful films I've watched this year have been documentaries, and this no exception. Exploring the Bush government's truly tortuous side.

4.5 stars

17 November 2008

River Queen (2005)

An interesting, if disjointed, story of a woman torn between British colonialists and Maori people in nineteenth century New Zealand.

3 stars

15 November 2008

National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)

Pretty poor, but just about watchable.

2 stars

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)

I would describe the Harold & Kumar movies as a guilty pleasure, but the truth is they probably say more about race/War on Terror and our (American anyway..) attitudes towards them than most heavy hitting dramas. Plus you get some wanking gags and nudity.. hurrah!

3.5 stars

Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo (1966) aka "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

The most spaghetti of all Westerns, I must shamefully admit to having not seen before, which thoroughly deserves it 'classic' status. The end shootout is (literally?) pure gold, I could havve watched that stand-off for hours..

4 stars

10 November 2008

Be Kind Rewind (2008)

Mitch : Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid. This movie's heart is in the right place, but it suffers from a genre identity crisis and is short on laughs for a so called comedy.
2.5 stars

Janck : I smiled, in spite of Jack Black.
3 stars

9 November 2008

Reservation Road (2007)

Downbeat drama concerning a suburban Conneticut family whose lives are changed forever after their son is tragically killed in a hit and run accident.

Admittedly, this won't be everyone's cup of tea; exploring themes of anger, guilt and loss, but there is some fine acting from a well assembled ensemble cast. Not exactly made for the masses, explaining why this film never got a UK cinematic release.

3.5 stars

3 November 2008

Saw IV (2007)

A poor Saw.

2.5 stars

Recount (2008)

Absorbing insight into how Dubya "won" the 2000 Presidential Election.

3.5 stars

2 November 2008

Alpha Dog (2006)

This may be inspired by true events of when a kidnap goes awry; but the partying, drugs, guns, and Justin Timberlake give this far too much of a teen movie feel.

3 stars

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)

Crime certainly doesn't pay in this tense film from veteran director Sidney Lumet. Another sparkling performance from PSH, who leads the ensemble cast in this fine movie.

Janck 4 stars (3rd June 2008)

Totally agree with the above, although can I just point out how smokin' hot Marisa Tomei is in this movie.

Mitch 3.5 stars